Access and signing statements
user_status | Check if user has all required declaractions and is allowed to use USOS. (administrative) |
services/statements/user_status ΒΆ
Administrative: This method requires a proper Administrative Consumer Key. Contact us to get one.
https://usosapi.up-sanok.edu.pl/services/statements/user_status | ||||||
This is a BETA method. We're looking for beta-testers. Until we find them, there's a substantial probability it won't stay backwards-compatible! If you are planning on using this method, please let us know. Then, we will work with you and move it out of beta as soon as we can. Check if user has all required declaractions and is allowed to use USOS. | ||||||
user_id | required | ID of user | ||||
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Token is not required. | ||||||
Returned value: A dictionary of the following format: